pet portrait

Pet portrait – Masie and Jasper.

This was a commission that was made in loving memory of two beautiful puppy dogs. I started with the photos that the client wanted and drew out the areas that I wanted to cut. Then I moved to the scroll saw to cut all the lines so they looked like a zig saw puzzle. The next stage was to put shims under the snots and and extra shim under the noses. then is was time to get the Dremel out and shape these puppies! 

Once I was happy with the shaping, of the pet portraits, It was time to air brush the undercoat on. After that was dry I hand painted all the fur and details, I used acrylic paints because that’s what I have on hand, plus a really like the way acrylics look on the wood. 

When everything was dry I used polyacrylic for a finish but only where I’d painted with acrylic. It was then time to glue everything in to the frame.