All about Phil’s Workshop
Hello! I’m Kez from Spirit & Bear, and we are going to be giving you some tips on fixing your Pyrography or woodburning mistakes. Wood burning is so much fun, but if you new to Pyrography then it can be a little daunting. So here is a list of helpful wood burning tips, that will…
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Load spreaders for woodworking clamps: Today I wanted to show you these, we call them Load spreaders and they are super simple to make.The question i can hear you asking ” What do you use them for?” Well…… They are a scrap piece of HDF flooring with a magnet inserted and glued in one side…
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Hello! I’m Kez from Spirit & Bear.In this blog post I’m going to run thorough a few of the basics of wood burning for beginners. I get asked lot of questions about what tools to use, and what types of woods are the best for pyrography. I will also share with you how to prepare…
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I have needed a vise for woodwork for sometime and having made a new bench I thought it was time to take a look at what I could make without spending too much. this may not be the best of guides as I lost a lot of the pictures that should have been included but…
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